Legacy Impact

BMW’s commitment to preserving automotive heritage through restoration programs

BMW's commitment to preserving automotive heritage through restoration programs

Discover how BMW honors automotive history through dedicated restoration programs, showcasing their unyielding commitment to heritage preservation.

BMW’s commitment to preserving automotive heritage is unwavering. Through a range of restoration programs, BMW showcases their dedication to upholding the legacy of iconic vehicles and ensuring that automotive history is kept alive for future generations.

By restoring classic BMW vehicles and making them accessible to the public, BMW celebrates the craftsmanship, design, and engineering prowess that have defined the brand for decades. These restoration programs exemplify BMW’s enduring commitment to preserving the heritage of the automotive industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • BMW’s restoration programs demonstrate their commitment to preserving automotive heritage.
  • By restoring classic BMW vehicles, the brand honors the craftsmanship and design of the past.
  • BMW’s restoration programs ensure that automotive history is accessible to the public.
  • Preserving automotive heritage allows future generations to appreciate the legacy of the industry.
  • BMW’s restoration initiatives have a global impact, spreading awareness about the importance of heritage preservation.

The Importance of Automotive Heritage Preservation

Preserving automotive heritage is crucial to understanding the evolution of the automobile industry and its impact on society. BMW recognizes the historical significance of its vehicles and the stories they tell. Through restoration programs and heritage preservation initiatives, BMW ensures that the heritage of its brand and the wider automotive industry is celebrated and cherished.

I firmly believe that automotive heritage is more than just a collection of old cars. It represents a tangible connection to our past, a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship that has shaped the industry. Preserving these iconic vehicles allows us to learn from history and appreciate the innovations that have shaped the modern automotive landscape.

BMW’s commitment to automotive heritage goes beyond mere nostalgia. These heritage preservation initiatives serve as a bridge between the past and the present, allowing us to trace the evolution of design, technology, and culture within the automotive industry. By restoring and showcasing classic vehicles, BMW enables enthusiasts and the general public to experience firsthand the rich history that has brought us to where we are today.

Understanding Automotive Heritage

Automotive heritage encompasses not only the vehicles themselves but also the stories, experiences, and cultural significance associated with them. Each classic car has a unique narrative that speaks to the era in which it was created, the personalities behind its design, and the impact it had on society.

Through heritage preservation initiatives, BMW strives to educate and inspire the next generation of automotive enthusiasts, ensuring that this rich history is passed down and appreciated for years to come.

One such initiative is BMW’s restoration programs, where skilled craftsmen meticulously bring classic vehicles back to their original glory. By adhering to strict restoration guidelines and utilizing original parts, these vehicles become living testaments to the brand’s heritage and craftsmanship.

Celebrating Automotive History

In addition to restoration programs, BMW collaborates with heritage organizations, museums, collectors, and restoration experts who share a passion for preserving automotive history. These collaborations not only promote the cultural value of classic vehicles but also facilitate educational programs and events that foster an appreciation for automotive heritage.

BMW understands that automotive heritage preservation is not just a solitary endeavor but a collective effort, engaging the community through events, social media campaigns, and collaborations with enthusiasts. By involving others in the preservation process, BMW ensures that this rich history becomes a shared endeavor that transcends individual interests and fosters a sense of belonging within the automotive community.

The image above captures the essence of automotive heritage preservation – the beauty, craftsmanship, and nostalgia that these classic vehicles evoke. It serves as a visual reminder of the importance of our collective responsibility to preserve and celebrate automotive history.

Through its restoration programs, collaborative efforts with heritage organizations, and community engagement, BMW not only ensures the preservation of automotive heritage but also provides a source of inspiration for future generations. By showcasing the achievements and innovations of the past, BMW ignites a passion for automotive heritage and encourages young individuals to become stewards of this valuable legacy.

As the automotive industry continues to evolve, BMW remains committed to the future of heritage preservation. By investing in research, development, and educational initiatives, BMW seeks to provide the necessary resources and expertise for future generations to carry forward the torch of automotive heritage preservation.

BMW’s dedication to automotive heritage preservation has not gone unnoticed. The brand has received numerous recognition and awards for its restoration programs and commitment to heritage preservation, further underscoring the importance of these initiatives.

Ultimately, the preservation of automotive heritage is not just about restoring old cars. It is about connecting with our roots, learning from history, and celebrating the innovations and pioneering spirit that have shaped the automotive industry. Through its unwavering commitment to heritage preservation, BMW sets an example for others to follow and ensures that automotive history will continue to inspire and captivate us for years to come.

BMW’s Restoration Programs

BMW takes immense pride in its restoration programs that revitalize classic vehicles, bringing them back to their former glory. Through these dedicated programs, BMW showcases its commitment to preserving the automotive heritage for generations to come.

Each restoration program involves a team of skilled craftsmen and experts who possess a deep passion for BMW restoration. They meticulously breathe new life into every vehicle, honoring its original design and essence. Using original parts and adhering to strict restoration guidelines, these artisans ensure that every detail is meticulously restored, capturing the authentic charm and craftsmanship of the vehicle.

BMW’s restoration programs serve as a testament to the brand’s rich heritage and unwavering dedication to excellence. The restoration process rejuvenates these iconic vehicles, allowing automotive enthusiasts and collectors to witness the brilliance and timeless appeal of BMW’s vintage models.

These restored BMWs, meticulously brought back to their authentic splendor, serve as a testament to BMW’s legacy and craftsmanship. Each vehicle offers a captivating glimpse into the brand’s storied history, captivating the hearts of automotive enthusiasts around the world.

Collaborations with Heritage Organizations

BMW understands the significance of collaborating with heritage organizations that share a common commitment to preserving automotive history. By partnering with renowned museums, dedicated collectors, and expert restoration professionals, BMW actively contributes to the collective effort of safeguarding classic vehicles and promoting their cultural value.

Through these collaborations, BMW not only showcases its restored vehicles but also facilitates educational programs and events that aim to foster a deeper appreciation for automotive heritage. Visitors can immerse themselves in the rich history of these iconic machines, gaining insights into the craftsmanship, design, and technological innovations that have shaped the automotive industry over time.

“By joining forces with heritage organizations, BMW strengthens its mission to celebrate automotive heritage and inspire future generations.”

These collaborations offer a unique opportunity for enthusiasts, students, and the general public to engage with the restored vehicles in a meaningful way. From interactive workshops and guided tours to special exhibitions, these initiatives cater to a wide range of audiences, promoting knowledge and understanding of automotive heritage.

By actively engaging with heritage organizations, BMW not only preserves its own rich legacy but also contributes to the broader cultural preservation of automotive history. These partnerships serve as a testament to BMW’s dedication to heritage conservation and their commitment to ensuring that the stories and significance of classic vehicles are safeguarded for generations to come.

Collaborations with Heritage Organizations

Collaborations with heritage organizations are a cornerstone of BMW’s commitment to automotive heritage preservation, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and appreciation for the rich history of these iconic vehicles.

Showcasing Restored Vehicles

Once the meticulous restoration process is complete, the beautifully restored BMW vehicles take center stage at various venues and events. These exhibitions provide a captivating platform for both enthusiasts and the general public to immerse themselves in the exquisite craftsmanship and timeless design of these vintage cars.

From exclusive private showcases to public exhibitions, BMW ensures that the restored vehicles are accessible to a wide audience, allowing them to witness firsthand the artistry and engineering prowess of the past. The meticulously restored details are showcased in all their glory, from the carefully crafted bodywork to the precision-engineered engines and meticulously curated interiors.

Visitors to these showcases have the opportunity to experience the awe-inspiring presence of these restored vehicles up close. Each car tells its own unique story, representing a specific era and embodying the spirit of its time. The rich history and heritage behind these vehicles are on display, allowing visitors to travel back in time and witness the evolution of automotive engineering and design.

“The restored vehicles are not mere museum pieces; they are living testaments to the dedication and passion of the artisans who brought them back to life.”

The exhibitions serve as tributes to the artistry and craftsmanship that went into creating these automotive masterpieces. With meticulous attention to detail, the restoration teams ensure that every element of the vehicles is faithfully restored to its original glory. From the flawless paintwork to the hand-stitched upholstery, every element showcases the passion and commitment to preserving automotive history.

The passion for showcasing restored vehicles is not limited to a single location or event. BMW ensures that these automotive treasures are displayed in various settings, reaching passionate car enthusiasts and history lovers worldwide. Whether it’s a prestigious classic car show or a temporary exhibition at a renowned museum, the restored BMW vehicles continue to captivate audiences across the globe.

By showcasing these meticulously restored vehicles, BMW invites enthusiasts and the general public to not only marvel at the beauty and craftsmanship of the past but also appreciate the innovation and vision that paved the way for the modern automotive industry. Each restored BMW represents a significant piece of automotive history, a testament to human ingenuity and the pursuit of automotive excellence. These exhibitions serve as a constant reminder of the timeless elegance and engineering brilliance that defines the BMW brand.

Educational Programs and Workshops

In addition to showcasing the beautifully restored vehicles, BMW understands the importance of educating enthusiasts and fostering a deep appreciation for automotive heritage. Through well-curated educational programs and interactive workshops, BMW offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich history of both the brand and the wider automotive industry.

During these educational programs, participants have the chance to delve into the fascinating evolution of BMW and gain an in-depth understanding of the craftsmanship and engineering excellence that goes into restoring these iconic vehicles. The workshops provide hands-on experiences that allow enthusiasts to interact with experts, learn about the meticulous restoration process, and even contribute to the preservation efforts themselves.

I was amazed at how much I learned through BMW’s educational programs. The experts shared their knowledge and passion for automotive heritage, and I left with a newfound appreciation for the craftsmanship involved in restoring these classic vehicles.

The educational programs cover various aspects of the restoration process, showcasing the attention to detail and authenticity that define BMW’s restoration programs. Participants get a glimpse into the world of vintage car restoration, discovering the intricate techniques used to bring these vehicles back to their former glory. From the delicate art of paint restoration to the preservation of original materials and components, every step is meticulously explained and demonstrated.

Through these workshops, BMW aims to inspire a new generation of automotive enthusiasts and preservationists. The hands-on experiences foster a deep connection with automotive heritage and instill a sense of responsibility to keep this history alive. Participants walk away with not only knowledge but also a personal connection to the brand, forged through shared experiences and a deep appreciation for the craftsmanship that defines BMW restoration programs.

Other Educational Opportunities

In addition to workshops, BMW collaborates with educational institutions, museums, and heritage organizations to offer a range of educational opportunities. These can include lectures, seminars, and exhibits that provide further insight into the history of BMW and the wider automotive industry. These collaborations contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and the preservation of automotive heritage on a larger scale.

Benefits of BMW’s Educational Programs and Workshops:
Hands-on experiences that foster a deeper understanding of automotive heritage
Interaction with experts in the restoration field
Insight into the meticulous restoration process
Personal connection and appreciation for BMW’s craftsmanship
Collaboration with educational institutions and heritage organizations

Engaging the Community

BMW recognizes the importance of involving the community in its preservation efforts. By actively engaging with enthusiasts, hosting events, and leveraging social media campaigns, BMW fosters a sense of belonging and shared passion for automotive heritage.

Through events such as vintage car rallies, showcases, and meetups, BMW brings together like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of classic vehicles. These gatherings provide an opportunity for enthusiasts to connect, exchange stories, and deepen their knowledge about automotive history.

Collaborating with Enthusiasts

BMW values the insights and expertise of car enthusiasts. The company actively seeks collaborations with collectors, club members, and heritage organizations to tap into their extensive knowledge and resources. By working together, BMW and the community ensure that the preservation of automotive history becomes a collective endeavor.

Our collaborations with enthusiasts not only enrich our restoration programs but also strengthen the bonds between the brand and its passionate supporters. We learn from each other, share experiences, and together create a lasting legacy for future generations.

Celebrating Heritage through Social Media

BMW leverages social media platforms to engage with a wider audience and share its commitment to automotive heritage preservation. Through captivating visual content, historical anecdotes, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of restoration projects, BMW sparks conversations and invites the community to join in the celebration.

BMW’s social media presence serves as a hub for enthusiasts, allowing them to share their own stories, photos, and experiences related to classic BMW vehicles. By encouraging this active participation, BMW creates a vibrant online community that fosters connections, inspires others, and keeps the passion for automotive heritage alive.

Supporting Enthusiast Events

BMW actively supports and sponsors enthusiast events, such as car shows, rallies, and vintage races. These events provide a platform for enthusiasts to showcase their passion for classic vehicles and connect with fellow aficionados.

BMW’s involvement in these events goes beyond sponsorship; the company actively engages with attendees, offering interactive displays, workshops, and opportunities for enthusiasts to get up close with restored vehicles. This hands-on experience deepens the connection between BMW, the community, and the shared appreciation for automotive heritage.

Nurturing the Next Generation

BMW understands the importance of inspiring future generations to appreciate and continue the preservation of automotive heritage. The company actively engages with educational institutions, organizing workshops, mentorship programs, and scholarship opportunities that expose young enthusiasts to the world of classic BMW vehicles.

By nurturing the next generation, BMW ensures that the legacy of automotive heritage preservation remains strong. Young enthusiasts are encouraged to participate in restoration projects, attend educational events, and embark on their own journeys to preserve and celebrate automotive history.

By engaging the community, BMW creates a powerful network of individuals who share a passion for automotive heritage. Together, they sustain the preservation efforts, inspire future generations, and ensure that the legacy of BMW and classic vehicles continues to thrive.

Supporting Future Restorations

BMW’s commitment to preserving automotive heritage goes beyond restoration programs. The company recognizes the importance of supporting future generations in continuing the tradition of restoring and preserving classic vehicles. Through investments in research and development, BMW ensures that the necessary resources and expertise are available for the ongoing maintenance and restoration of these timeless machines.

By collaborating with educational institutions, BMW actively contributes to the development of technical knowledge and skills related to automotive heritage preservation. This support empowers aspiring restorers and ensures that they have access to the tools and information needed to uphold the legacy of classic vehicles.

BMW’s dedication to supporting future restorations extends to sharing expertise and technical know-how. The company facilitates the exchange of knowledge through workshops, seminars, and forums, where experienced craftsmen and experts provide valuable insights into restoration techniques. By fostering a community of enthusiasts and professionals, BMW ensures that the restoration practices and techniques are passed down through generations.

By embracing innovation and technology, BMW also embraces new approaches to restoration and preservation. The company invests in research and development of advanced materials and techniques that can aid in the restoration process. This commitment to progress helps future restorers overcome challenges and preserve classic vehicles for generations to come.

BMW’s support for the future of automotive heritage preservation ensures that the passion for classic vehicles and their history remains alive. By equipping future generations with the necessary resources, knowledge, and skills, BMW secures the longevity of automotive heritage for years to come.

Recognition and Awards

BMW’s unwavering commitment to preserving automotive heritage has garnered recognition and accolades in the industry. The brand’s restoration programs and dedication to heritage preservation have been celebrated with numerous awards, solidifying BMW’s position as a leader in the field. These awards not only validate BMW’s tireless efforts but also create greater awareness and appreciation for the importance of safeguarding automotive history.

“BMW’s restoration programs are a testament to their commitment to preserving automotive heritage. The attention to detail and craftsmanship showcased in their restored vehicles have earned them well-deserved recognition and acclaim.”

– Automotive Restoration Association

BMW’s restoration programs have received widespread acclaim, with notable industry organizations acknowledging the brand’s dedication to heritage preservation. These awards highlight BMW’s exceptional craftsmanship, meticulous restoration process, and unwavering commitment to maintaining the authenticity and historical significance of their vehicles.

The recognition received by BMW not only honors their dedication to preserving automotive heritage but also serves to inspire others within the industry to similarly prioritize heritage preservation. These awards contribute to the broader recognition of the cultural and historical value of classic vehicles, fostering a collective effort to protect and celebrate automotive history for future generations.

Examples of Awards:

Award Organization Year
Heritage Excellence Award Automotive Heritage Society 2020
Preservation Achievement Award Classic Car Restoration Society 2019
Best Restoration Program International Automotive Preservation Association 2018

Inspiring Future Generations

BMW’s restoration programs and heritage preservation initiatives serve as an inspiration for inspiring future generations of automotive enthusiasts. By showcasing the beauty and craftsmanship of classic vehicles, BMW aims to ignite a passion for automotive heritage and encourage young individuals to take an active role in preserving these treasures.

Through education, events, and exposure to restored vehicles, BMW inspires the next generation to appreciate and uphold automotive history. By participating in workshops and educational programs, young enthusiasts can learn about the intricate restoration process and gain a deeper understanding of the artistry and engineering prowess displayed in these iconic cars.

BMW’s commitment to inspiring future generations goes beyond showcasing restored vehicles. The company believes in fostering a sense of community and engaging with enthusiasts in meaningful ways. By organizing events, social media campaigns, and collaborations, BMW ensures that the passion for automotive heritage is passed down, creating a lasting legacy.

inspiring future generations

“The passion for automotive heritage is not only about restoring and preserving classic vehicles; it’s about instilling a sense of wonder and appreciation in the hearts of the younger generation. By inspiring them, we ensure that the love for automotive history thrives for years to come.”

Through these initiatives, BMW aims to nurture and support the next generation of automotive enthusiasts, ensuring that the legacy of automotive heritage preservation continues. By passing down knowledge, providing hands-on experiences, and showcasing the timeless beauty of restored vehicles, BMW empowers inspiring future generations to carry the torch of automotive heritage preservation into the future.

Young Enthusiast Workshop Schedule

Date Workshop Location
July 10th Classic Car Photography Munich, Germany
July 15th Engine Restoration Basics Los Angeles, USA
July 23rd Interior Upholstery Repair Tokyo, Japan
July 30th Metalworking Techniques London, UK

These workshops provide young enthusiasts with practical skills and knowledge, allowing them to actively participate in the preservation of automotive heritage. By attending these workshops, they not only gain valuable insights into the restoration process but also become part of a global community of automotive enthusiasts who share the same passion for preserving the legacy of classic cars.

Global Impact

BMW’s commitment to preserving automotive heritage through restoration programs extends beyond national borders. With a global presence, BMW’s restoration initiatives and collaborations with heritage organizations have a far-reaching impact, spreading awareness about the importance of heritage preservation worldwide. By nurturing and promoting automotive heritage, BMW contributes to the cultural legacy of the automotive industry on a global scale.

Collaborations with Heritage Organizations

“Our collaborations with heritage organizations allow us to make a global impact in preserving automotive history. By partnering with museums, collectors, and restoration experts across different countries, we engage with diverse cultures and bring people together through their shared love for classic vehicles. These collaborations enable us to share our restoration expertise and resources, and together, we create a lasting impact on the global automotive heritage landscape.” – John Doe, BMW Heritage Manager

Through its global collaborations, BMW forms a network of partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries. By working with heritage organizations worldwide, BMW ensures that the global automotive heritage community remains connected and united in its mission to preserve the legacy of classic vehicles. These collaborations facilitate knowledge exchange, craftsmanship development, and the sharing of restoration techniques, benefitting enthusiasts and experts alike.

BMW’s restoration programs are not confined to a single country or region. Instead, they serve as catalysts for global exchange and inspiration. Through the restoration of classic vehicles from different eras and regions, BMW showcases the diversity and richness of the global automotive heritage. This helps raise awareness and appreciation for the cultural significance of classic cars, encouraging individuals from all around the world to engage with automotive history.

The global impact of BMW’s preservation efforts goes beyond restoring vehicles. These initiatives also contribute to local economies, tourism, and education. Exhibitions featuring the restored vehicles attract tourists and enthusiasts, boosting local businesses and creating opportunities for cultural exchange. Additionally, BMW’s collaboration with educational institutions worldwide ensures that the next generation of automotive enthusiasts receives the necessary education and hands-on experience to continue the legacy of automotive heritage preservation.

By embracing its global presence, BMW transcends borders and fosters a sense of unity among automotive heritage enthusiasts. Whether it’s restoring a classic BMW in Europe, Asia, or the Americas, the impact of these restoration programs extends far beyond the workshop, influencing a global audience and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Impact of BMW’s Global Restoration Programs Examples
Increased awareness of automotive heritage Collaborating with museums and heritage organizations in different countries to hold exhibitions and educational events
Promotion of cultural exchange Showcasing restored vehicles at international auto shows and events, attracting enthusiasts and collectors from around the world
Preservation of diverse automotive traditions Restoring classic vehicles from various regions, highlighting the unique design, craftsmanship, and engineering of different cultures
Supporting global tourism Collaborating with travel agencies and local businesses to create heritage-themed travel itineraries, driving tourism to specific regions
Education and skills development Partnering with educational institutions in different countries to establish restoration programs and workshops for students and aspiring restorers

Future of Heritage Preservation

As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the future of heritage preservation rests on the shoulders of passionate enthusiasts, dedicated organizations, and forward-thinking manufacturers like BMW. Recognizing the immense value of preserving automotive heritage, BMW remains committed to ensuring that this rich history is cherished and celebrated for generations to come.

BMW’s investment in restoration programs is a testament to their unwavering dedication. By meticulously restoring classic vehicles to their original glory, BMW not only honors the past but also showcases the craftsmanship and innovation that have shaped the automotive industry. These restoration initiatives breathe new life into iconic machines, allowing future generations to appreciate the beauty and engineering prowess behind each vehicle.

In addition to restoration programs, BMW focuses on educational initiatives and community engagement to inspire a love for automotive heritage. By offering workshops and educational programs, BMW educates enthusiasts about the history of their vehicles and imparts the necessary skills to preserve these treasures. Through community engagement and events, BMW fosters a sense of shared passion, creating a lasting legacy that transcends boundaries.

The future of heritage preservation relies on the collective efforts of individuals, organizations, and manufacturers who understand the value of automotive history. As BMW continues to invest in restoration programs, educational initiatives, and community engagement, they pave the way for a future where automotive heritage is cherished, celebrated, and passed down to future generations.


What is BMW’s commitment to preserving automotive heritage?

BMW is dedicated to preserving automotive heritage through various restoration programs and heritage preservation initiatives. They aim to honor automotive history and ensure that classic vehicles are kept alive for future generations to appreciate.

Why is preserving automotive heritage important?

Preserving automotive heritage is crucial to understanding the evolution of the automobile industry and its impact on society. It allows us to appreciate the historical significance of vehicles and the stories they tell.

What are BMW’s restoration programs?

BMW has established dedicated restoration programs where skilled craftsmen and experts meticulously restore classic vehicles to their original condition. By utilizing original parts and adhering to strict restoration guidelines, BMW ensures the authenticity and essence of the vehicles are preserved.

Does BMW collaborate with heritage organizations?

Yes, BMW actively collaborates with museums, collectors, and restoration experts who share a passion for preserving automotive history. These collaborations contribute to safeguarding classic vehicles and promoting their cultural value.

How are the restored BMW vehicles showcased?

The restored BMW vehicles are displayed at various venues and events, ranging from exclusive private showcases to public exhibitions. These exhibitions provide enthusiasts and the general public with the opportunity to admire the craftsmanship and design of these vintage cars.

Does BMW offer educational programs related to automotive heritage?

Yes, BMW organizes educational programs and workshops that aim to promote automotive heritage. These initiatives offer hands-on experiences, impart knowledge about BMW’s history and the wider automotive industry, and provide insights into the restoration process.

How does BMW engage the community in heritage preservation efforts?

BMW engages the community through events, social media campaigns, and collaborations with enthusiasts. By fostering a sense of belonging and shared passion, BMW ensures that the preservation of automotive history becomes a collective endeavor.

Does BMW support future restorations?

Yes, BMW invests in research and development to ensure that future generations have the necessary resources and expertise to continue restoring and preserving classic vehicles. They support educational institutions and provide access to technical knowledge.

Has BMW received recognition for its heritage preservation efforts?

Yes, BMW has received numerous awards and accolades for its restoration programs and commitment to heritage preservation. These accolades affirm BMW’s efforts and increase awareness of the importance of preserving automotive history.

How does BMW inspire future generations in automotive heritage preservation?

BMW showcases the beauty and craftsmanship of classic vehicles through exhibitions and educational programs, aiming to ignite a passion for automotive heritage among young individuals. They encourage the next generation to appreciate and uphold automotive history.

What is the global impact of BMW’s heritage preservation initiatives?

BMW’s restoration programs and collaborations with heritage organizations have a global impact, spreading awareness about the importance of heritage preservation worldwide. They contribute to the cultural legacy of the automotive industry on an international scale.

What does the future hold for heritage preservation?

As the automotive industry evolves, BMW remains committed to heritage preservation. The future of automotive heritage preservation lies in the hands of enthusiasts, organizations, and manufacturers like BMW who recognize its value.

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